
The Summer School on the physics and applications of nitrides addresses the fundamentals of nitride semiconductors and some modern issues in this research field, in a series of fourteen lectures in english given by industrial and academic experts.

This year, the Summer School on the physics and applications of nitrides is co-organized by the UK nitride consortium and by the French GANEX network, with some support from CNRS. It enters a cycle of biennial schools organized by GANEX, with a first one organized in Montpellier-La Grande Motte in 2013, and is the continuation of the three Ecoles Thématiques du CNRS organized in Montpellier in 1997, Orcières-Merlette in 2000, and La Plagne in 2002.

The Summer School on the physics and applications of nitrides in Nice in 2015 is to provide a general, up-to-date background on nitride semiconductors for an audience of PhD students and young researchers.

View of the hotel from the sea

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